The Metchosin Muse is a local non-profit, arts, interests and activities publication, produced by the Muse team. The opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors, not the paper. The Muse endeavours to promote harmony and involvement in the community and aims to interest a broad cross-section of the residents of Metchosin and Beecher Bay.
The Metchosin Muse is published at the beginning of each month throughout the year, except August.
Click to view our current issue.
Click to view "extras" – things we've mentioned in the print version but don't have room for, or things we learn about too late for publication.
The Muse is delivered, free of charge, to most households in Metchosin. Additional copies are available at:
• East Sooke Market
Metchosin Arts and Cultural Centre Association
Metchosin Country Store
Metchosin District Office
Metchosin Senior's Centre
Mile Zero Brewery
My-Chosen Café
Pedder Bay Marina
Royal Bay Bakery
• The Broken Paddle Coffee Shop